
Advanced electronic packaging, electronic connection key welding powder materials
Lead-free tin-based soldering materials for electronic devices and electronic circuit connections
  • Miniaturization and high-density integration require soldering surface mount and lower temperature, and improved printing accuracy requires finer solder powder.
  • It is difficult to prepare fine powder by the traditional atomization method, and it is difficult to reduce the temperature at low temperature. The alloying and refinement of metal tin powder is the direction.
Micro-nano copper-based alloy powder materials for third-generation semiconductor integrated circuit packaging
  • Wide-bandgap semiconductors have high power, high frequency, and high-temperature operation. Packaging requires low-temperature molding and high-temperature use. Tin cannot be used, and silver is too expensive. Copper-based materials are the direction.
  • Nanoscale and submicron ultrafine Ni powder and Cu powder have been tried on the company's own products of annular pressure sensitive and chip pressure sensitive products.
  • Nanoscale, submicron tin powder and tin alloy powder have made breakthroughs.

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