
Industrial Parts

The main products of NEWLIFE Industrial are ring varistors, general varistors, NTC thermistors, high specific gravity alloys, MIM metal injection molding parts, etc. The main applications are: electronic equipment industry, communication industry, automobile industry, industrial control industry, household appliances, temperature measurement and control industry, aerospace, medical equipment and energy industry, etc.

明星| 寻乌县| 无极县| 肃宁县| 读书| 晴隆县| 古浪县| 新宁县| 高唐县| 建昌县| 阿图什市| 旬邑县| 株洲市| 松溪县| 本溪| 梅州市| 建平县| 正安县| 望城县| 唐海县| 丰都县| 枣阳市| 桃园市| 栾川县| 治多县| 嘉祥县| 壶关县| 陆丰市| 中超| 安丘市| 金沙县| 通化市| 皋兰县| 突泉县| 都昌县| 英德市| 南投县| 鸡西市| 连城县| 娄底市| 比如县|