
Magnetic PP Chalk Film
Newlife’s PP chalk film is made of high density PP with professional chalk coating on surface, which is scratch resistance, suitable for various categories of chalk.
Magnetic PP chalk film is eco-friendly, no VOC, no halogen. According to the category of magnetic functional layer, there are five categories: Chalkboard-Mag, Chalkboard-Ferro, Chalkboard-Ferro Adhesive, Chalkboard-Ferro Removable, Chalkboard-Ferro Wallpaper.
Standard width is 1.2M, unlimited length.

Features Applications Notices

Newlife’s Chalkboard-Mag is made of flexible permanent magnet and chalk PP or PVC film. It is able to attract on iron board, mag-paint and other ferrous surface, and free to remove and reposition, without bubbles and residue. Chalkboard-Mag has wide format up to 1.2M, unlimited length, compatible for different kinds of chalks, great quality of writing and erasing, good weather resistance, safe to use. It has more than 30 classic colors.

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