
DCK Nano Dot Removable
Newlife’ s DCK Nano Dot Removable is a kind of silicon cling coating with digital printable PET film. The difference between CK and DCK is DCK Nano Dot Removable is dot shaped coating, CK is full coating. There are gaps in the DCK coating, so the air will come out much easier. There are gaps in the DCK coating, so the air will come out much easier. It has clear and white options. Standard sizes are A3+, B2+, customized sizes are available. Same as CK, DCK Nano Dot Removable is also a perfect solution for window display.

Features Applications Notices

◎ Middle tack, removable
◎ Dot-Cling silicon adhesive, gas vent, micro-suction adhesion
◎ Initial adhesion: 5#steel ball
◎ Bubble-free installation, no need water
◎ Can be removed easily within 36 months in door
◎ Ideal for indoor or outdoor promotions
◎ Safe to use, formaldehyde-free, VOC free
◎ Wide working temperature -40℃ to 120℃

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