
Car 4s shops

The various POP display advertisements in the showroom of 4S stores are generally replaced according to seasons or models, and the replacement frequency is relatively high. This kind of display is very suitable for MACO materials. Easy to install, change, and remove, the image has good flatness, low transportation costs, supports seamless splicing of large walls, no installation labor costs, and mature and stable product applications. Some application brands included: Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Land Rover Jaguar, Great Wall, BYD, etc.

余庆县| 米泉市| 通辽市| 灵丘县| 措勤县| 浦北县| 海伦市| 乌海市| 凯里市| 光泽县| 乡宁县| 射洪县| 通榆县| 留坝县| 龙游县| 武定县| 调兵山市| 广安市| 吉林省| 洪湖市| 运城市| 钟祥市| 民勤县| 安吉县| 恩施市| 永登县| 卓资县| 株洲市| 错那县| 津南区| 定远县| 新丰县| 略阳县| 临城县| 辽中县| 永定县| 宁远县| 若尔盖县| 酉阳| 专栏| 交城县|