
Embracing the mission of "Magnets Brings New Quality Productivity" Newlife to Showcase at 2025 Shanghai Int'l Ad & Sign Technology & Equipment Exhibition (APPP EXP)

As a global leader in magnetic advertising andprinting materials, Newlife cordially invites partners from the design,exhibition, advertising, and printing industries to visit the 2025 APPP EXP ShanghaiInt'l Ad & Sign Technology & Equipment Exhibition (held at the NationalExhibition and Convention Center, Shanghai, from March 4-7, 2025). Together, wewill explore the innovative wave of " Magnets Brings New QualityProductivity". As an industry pioneer and the world's largest producer, Newlifewill focus on revolutionary applications of magnetic materials, demonstratingits flexible solutions for various scenarios such as live streaming studios,cultural walls, interactive showcases, smart signage, and recyclableadvertisements. With features like "lightweight installation, infinitereusability, and low-carbon environmental friendliness," Newlife aims toempower clients to unleash creative potential, enhance order conversion rates,and reduce costs while increasing efficiency.

Booth Number: 5.2H-A0203

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