
Waste Heat Recovery

New Lefu - Waste Heat Recovery

NEWLIF's production equipment includes air compressors, which generate heat that is usually considered waste heat. However, we have adopted heat recovery technology to convert this waste heat into useful energy.

Utilizing Waste Heat for Energy

Through the heat recovery system, we capture and recover the heat energy generated by the air compressor, and use it to heat domestic water for employees to take a shower. This innovative application method not only provides a comfortable bathing environment, but also greatly reduces energy consumption.

Efficiency and Environmental Benefits

The heat recovery system not only reduces the demand for conventional energy sources, but also reduces the waste of heat energy. By maximizing the use of waste heat, we increase energy efficiency and reduce negative impact on the environment.

Commitment to Green Energy

We actively seek new technologies and methods, continuously promote the application of green energy, and maximize the use of resources.

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